1. Inductive Sensors
Inductive sensor NBB0,6-3M22-E2 | Inductive sensor NBB1,5-5GM25-E2-V3 |
Inductive sensor NBB10-30GM40-Z0 | Inductive sensor NBB15-30GM50-E2 |
Inductive sensor NBB2-12GM40-Z0 | Inductive sensor NBB20-L2-A2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NBB25-FPS-A2 | Inductive sensor NBB3-V3-Z4 |
Inductive sensor NBB4-12GM30-E2 | Inductive sensor NBB5-18GM40-Z0 |
Inductive sensor NBB8-18GM30-E2 | Inductive sensor NBN10-F10-E2 |
Inductive sensor NBN12-18GM35-E2-V1 | Inductive sensor NBN15-30GM40-Z0 |
Inductive sensor NBN25-30GM50-E2 | Inductive sensor NBN3-F31-E8-V1 |
Inductive sensor NBN30-FPS-A2 | Inductive sensor NBN4-12GM40-Z0 |
Inductive sensor NBN40-U1K-N0 | Inductive sensor NBN7-12GM35-E2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NBN8-F1-E2-V3 | Inductive sensor NCB1,5-8GM25-N0-V1 |
Inductive sensor NCB10-30GM40-N0-V1 | Inductive sensor NCB15-30GM40-N0-V1 |
Inductive sensor NCB2-V3-N0 | Inductive sensor NCB20-L2-N0-V1 |
Inductive sensor NCB4-12GM40-N0-V1 | Inductive sensor NCB40-FP-W-P1 |
Inductive sensor NCB5-18GM40-Z0-3G-3D | Inductive sensor NCB50-FP-E2-P1-V1 |
Inductive sensor NCB8-18GM40-N0-V1 | Inductive sensor NCN15-30GM40-N0-V1 |
Indusctive sensor NCN3-F31K-N4 | Inductive sensor NCN4-12GM40-Z0-3G-3D |
Inductive sensor NCN40-L2-N0-V1 | Inductive sensor NJ0,8-5GM-N |
Inductive sensor NJ1,5-8GM-N-V1 | Inductive sensor NJ10-30GM-N-V1 |
Inductive sensor NJ15-30GK-SN | Inductive sensor NJ2-V3-N |
Inductive sensor NJ3-18GK-S1N | Inductive sensor NJ4-12GK-SN |
Inductive sensor NJ5-30GK-S1N | Inductive sensor NJ8-18GK-SN |
Inductive sensor NMB10-18GM65-E2-V1 | Inductive sensor NMB15-30GM65-E2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NMB3-8GM50-E2-V1 | Inductive sensor NMB5-12GM65-E2-V1 |
Inductive ring sensor RC10-14-N0 | Inductive ring sensor RC15-14-N0 |
Inductive slot sensor SB3,5-E2 | Inductive slot sensor SC3,5-N0-BU |
Inductive slot sensor SJ15-E2 | Inductive slot sensor SJ2-N |
Inductive slot sensor SJ3,5-SN | Inductive slot sensor SJ30-A2 |
Inductive slot sensor SJ5-N | Inductive slot sensor SC2-N0-GN |
Inductive analog sensor IA6-12GM50-IU-V1 | Inductive sensor 921LC2 |
Inductive analog sensor ANT2-8 2084/85 V1 | Inductive sensor FJ7-N |
Inductive sensor NBN5-F7-E2 | Inductive power clamp sensor NBxx-F58E1x3-E8-V1 |
Inductive sensor NCN100-F23-E2-V1 | Inductive sensor NCN12-18GM50-Z4-V1 |
Inductive sensor NCN2-8GM40-Z0 | Inductive sensor NCN20-F35-A2-250-20M-V1 |
Inductive sensor NCN25-F35-A2-250-V1 | Inductive sensor NCN50-FP-Z2-P1 |
Inductive sensor NCN8-18GM40-Z1 | Inductive sensor NEB12-18GM50-E3-V1 |
Inductive sensor NEB22-30GM60-E2 | Inductive sensor NEB3-F41-E3-V3 |
Inductive sensor NEB6-12GM50-E2 | Inductive sensor NEN10-12GM50-E2 |
Inductive sensor NEN6-8GM40-E3-V3 | Inductive sensor NJ20S+U1+N |
Inductive sensor NJ25-50-N | Inductive sensor NJ30P+U1+A2 |
Inductive sensor NJ40P-FP-A2-P1 | Inductive sensor NJ50-FP-N-P1 |
Inductive sensor NJ6-F-E2-5M | Inductive sensor NMB1,5-8GM35-E2-FE-150MM-V1 |
Inductive sensor NMB2-12GM65-E2-FE-V1 | Inductive sensor NMB6-12GH50-E2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NRB10-30GM50-E2-C-V1 | Inductive sensor NRB12-18GS40-E2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NRB15-30GS50-E2-V1 | Inductive sensor NRB2-8GS40-E2-V3 |
Inductive sensor NRB20-U1-E2-IO | Inductive sensor NRB4-12GS40-E2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NRB5-18GM50-E2-C-V1 | Inductive sensor NRB50-FP-E2-P3-V1 |
Inductive sensor NRB8-18GS50-E2-V1 | Inductive sensor NRN10-12GS40-E2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NRN12-18GM50-E2-C-V1 | Inductive sensor NRN15-18GS50-E3-V1 |
Inductive sensor NRN30-30GS50-E2-V1 | Inductive sensor NRN35-L3-A2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NRN40-L3K-E2-IO-V1 | Inductive sensor NRN6-8GM40-E2-C-V1 |
Inductive sensor NRN75-FP-E2-C-P3-V1 | Inductive sensor NSB15-L2M-2E2-V1-S2D2 |
Inductive sensor NSB2-12GM50-2E2-S2D2 | Inductive sensor NSB5-18GM50-2E2-S2D2 |
Inductive sensor NSN20-L2M-2E2-V1-S2D2 | Inductive sensor NSN4-12GM50-2E2-S2D2 |
Inductive sensor NSN8-18GM50-2E2-S2D2 | Inductive sensor NXB15-30GM50-E2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NXB2-8GM25-E2-V3 | Inductive sensor NXB4-12GM50-E2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NXB8-18GM50-E2-V1 | Inductive sensor PL2-F25-N4-K |
Inductive sensor PL3-F25-N4-K | Inductive ring sensor RJ15-N |
Inductive ring sensor RJ21-E2 | Inductive ring sensor RJ43-E2 |
Inductive slot sensor SJ10-N-5M | Inductive slot sensor SJ30-N |
Inductive power clamp sensor NBN2-F581-160S6-E8-V1 | Inductive sensor NXN12-18GM50-E2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NXN8-12GM50-E2 | Inductive analog sensor 924AB3HM-L2P |
Inductive slot sensor GT3,0 50.000/0768 | Inductive sensor NBB1-8GS50-Z0-T |
Inductive sensor NBB6-F-B3B | Inductive sensor NBB7-F104M-A2 |
Inductive sensor NBN20-30GM50-EI-V1-M1 | Inductive sensor NBN22-30GM35-E2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NBN6-V3-E3-V3 | Inductive sensor NCB3-14GM65-E2-D-V1 |
Inductive sensor NCN30+U4+N0-V1 | Inductive sensor NJ60-FP-E2-P2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NMB8-30GM85-US-FE-V93 | Inductive sensor NMN10-12GH50-E2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NMN20-18GH50-E2-V1 | Inductive sensor NRB13-30GS50-E2-V1 |
Inductive sensor NRB3-12GS40-E2-V1 | Inductive sensor NRN20-30GM50-E2-C-V1 |
Inductive sensor NXN25-30GM50-E2-V1 | Inductive sensor NXN3-8GM30-E2 |
Inductive sensor PL1-F25-E8-K | Inductive ring sensor RJ100-E20-V1 |
Inductive slot sensor SB2-Z0 GELB | Inductive slot sensor SJ1,8-N-Y16109 |
Inductive sensor NCB5-18GM60-B3B-V1 | Inductive sensor NRB1,5-8GM40-E2-C-V1 |
Inductive sensor NEB20-30GS50-E2-V1 | Inductive sensor 973EX4WI-A10T |
2. Capacitive Sensors
Capacitive sensor CBB4-12GH70-E2 | Capacitive sensor CBB8-18GS75-E2-V1 |
Capacitive sensor CBN10-F46-E2 | Capacitive sensor CBN15-18GS75-E2-V1 |
Capacitive sensor CBN2-F46-E2 | Capacitive sensor CBN5-F46-E2 |
Capacitive sensor CBN8-12GH60-E2-V1 | Capacitive sensor CCN15-30GS60-E2-V1 |
Capacitive sensor CBB10-30GKK-W | Capacitive sensor CCB10-30GS60-E2-V1 |
Capacitive sensor CJ1-12GK-N | Capacitive sensor CJ10-30GM-WS |
Capacitive sensor CJ15+U1+A2 | Capacitive sensor CJ4-12GK-N-10M |
Capacitive sensor CJ40-FP-A2-P1 | Capacitive sensor CJ6-18GK-N |
Capacitive sensor CBN7-F46-E2 | Capacitive sensor CCN5-F46A-E3 |
Capacitive sensor CJ2-18GK-N | Capacitive sensor CJ30-50K10-E0123-Y46139 |
Palm Button PB1-008-6 | Palm Button PB2-008-6 |
Capacitive sensor NTK-H 50.000/0318 |
3. Magnetic Field Sensors
Magnetic field sensor MB60-8GM50-E2-V3 | Magnetic field sensor MC60-12GM50-1N-V1 |
Magnetic field sensor MB-F32-A2-V1 | Magnetic field sensor MMB60-12GH50-E2-V1 |
Magnetic field sensor MMB70-18GH50-E2-V1 | Magnetic field sensor 40FR1-33 |
Magnetic field sensor 40FY28-020 | Magnetic field sensor MJ35-F12-1N-5M |
4. Thru-Beam Sensors
Thru-beam sensor BB10-P-F1/25/33/35/103/115-7m | Thru-beam sensor LD31/LV31/76a/115/136 |
Thru-beam sensor LA31/LK31/25/31/115 SET | Thru-beam sensor ML29-2P/25/103/143 |
Thru-beam sensor M100/MV100-RT/76a/95/103 | Thru-beam sensor GA18/GK18/59/161/166 |
Laser thru-beam sensor OBE500-R2F-SE2-L | Thru-beam sensor M11/MV11-Ex/40b/112 |
Thru-beam sensor GD18/GV18/115/120 | Thru-beam sensor VS18/VSE18-M-LAS/40a/76a/118/128 |
Thru-beam sensor ML300-P-12m-IR/76b/95/127 | Thru-beam sensor E18/EV18-LAS/32/59/76a/92 |
Thru-beam sensor L36/LV36-Ex/40b/116 | Thru-beam sensor M12/MV12-F1/76b/82b/115/128 |
Thru-beam sensor M13/MV13/32/40b/73c | Thru-beam sensor M4.2/MV4.2-8000-RT-4922 |
Thru-beam sensor M7/MV7/59/76a/82b/103/143 | Thru-beam sensor M41/MV41/76a/92/102/126b |
5. Retroreflective Sensors
Retroreflective sensor GLV18-55/73/120 | Retroreflective sensor ML100-55/98/103 |
Retroreflective sensor MLV41-55-IO/98/103 | Retroreflective sensor (glass) OBG8000-R200-2EP-IO-V1 |
Retroreflective sensor OBR7500-R101-2EP-IO-V31 | Retroreflective sensor OBS4000-18GM60-E5-V1 |
Retroreflective sensor with polarization filter OJ3000-M1K-E23 | Retroreflective sensor RLK91-6-IR/25/31/115 |
Retroreflective sensor VL18-54-MS/40a/118/128 | Retroreflective sensor, NAMUR OCS2000-M1K-N2 |
Retroreflective sensor (PRT) OQR50M-R300-2EP-V1 | Retroreflective sensor RL91-6-IR/25/38a/115 |
Retroreflective area sensor RLG28-55/40a/73c/136 | Retroreflective sensor GLK18-6/59/161/166 |
Retroreflective sensor GLV18-6/59/102/159 |
6. Diffuse Mode Sensors
Background suppression sensor GLV18-8-H-120/73/120 | Diffuse mode sensor ML100-8-W-200-RT/95/103 |
Background suppression sensor MLV41-8-H-500-RT-IO/65b/92/136 | Triangulation sensor (BGS) OBT15-R2-E2-0,2M-V31 |
Background suppression sensor RL31-8-H-800-RT/73c/136 | Diffuse mode sensor RLK39-8-800/31/40a/116 |
Background suppression sensor VT18-8-H-120-M/40a/65b/118/128 | Diffuse mode sensor OBD1400-R201-2EP-IO-V1 |
Background suppression sensor ML17-8-H-50-RT/73/136 | Background suppression sensor ML300-8-H-200-RT/25/98/103 |
Diffuse mode sensor, NAMUR OCT300-M1K-N2 | Diffuse mode sensor (PRT) OQD8000-R300-2EP-V1-L |
Background suppression sensor RL23-8-H-2000-IR/47/92/104 | Background suppression sensor RL28-8-H-700-RT/49/105 |
Diffuse mode sensor RL29-8-2000/73c/136 | Diffuse mode sensor RL39-8-800/32/40a/82a/116 |
Background suppression sensor RLK23-8-H-2000-IR/31/116 | Background suppression sensor RLK28-8-H-400-IR-Z/31/116 |
Diffuse mode sensor RLK31-8-2500-IR/31/115 | Diffuse mode sensor RLK61-8-4000-Z/31/115 |
Diffuse mode sensor WTS10-12/21/105 | Diffuse mode sensor GLK18-8-450/59/161/166 |
Background suppression sensor SBL-8-H-900-IR/59/65b/73/120 | Background suppression sensor ML4.2-8-H-40-43-RT/40b/110/115 |
Diffuse mode sensor ML7-8-200/59/102/115 | Convergent mode sensor ML8-8-HGU-30-RT/102/115/162 |
7. Switching Sensor with Measurement Core Technology
Triangulation sensor (SbR) OQT150-R101-2EP-IO-V31-L | Diffuse sensor with measurement core technology RL31-8-H-800-RT-IO/59/73c/136 |
Triangulation sensor (SbR) OQT120-R103-2EP-IO-V31-L | Triangulation sensor (SbR) OQT350-R201-EP-IO-V3-L |
Triangulation sensor (SbR) OQT400-R200-2EP-IO-V1 |
8. Fiber Optic Sensors
Fiber optic sensor MLV41-LL-RT-IO/95/136 | Fiber optic sensor OJ500-M1K-E23 |
Fiber optic sensor SU18/16/35/40a/110/115a/126a | Fiber optic sensor SU19/110/115a/126a |
Fiber optic sensor VL18LL-M/40a/118/128 | Fiber optic sensor RL61-LL-IR-Z/92/136 |
Fiber optic sensor RLK61-LL-IR-Z/31/135 | |
9. Slot and Slot Grid Sensors
Photoelectric slot sensor GL10-RT/32/40a/98a | Photoelectric slot sensor GL121-RT/32/40a/98a |
Photoelectric slot sensor GL20-RT/32/40a/98a | Photoelectric slot sensor GL50-RT/32/40a/98a |
Photoelectric slot sensor GL80-RT/32/40a/98a | Slot grid sensor RAL150-IR/32/98 |
Photoelectric slot sensor GL120-LAS/32/40a/98a | Photoelectric slot sensor GL121-IR/32/40a/98a |
Photoelectric slot sensor GL2-P/153 | Photoelectric slot sensor GL220-RT/32/40a/98a |
Photoelectric slot sensor GL3-U/153 | Photoelectric slot sensor GL40-RT/32/40a/98a |
Photoelectric slot sensor GL5-Y/43a/155 | Photoelectric slot sensor GLD3-RT/95/147 |
Photoelectric slot sensor GLP50-RT/40b/103/156 | Photoelectric slot sensor GLP80-RT/40b/103/156 |
Slot grid sensor RAL100-IR/32/98 | Photoelectric slot sensor GL-ES-IR/115/127 |
Photoelectric slot sensor GLP120-RT/40b/103/156 | Photoelectric slot sensor GLP30-RT/40b/103/156 |
Slot grid sensor RAL50-IR/32/98 |
10. Contrast Sensors+Color Sensors
Print mark contrast sensor DK12-11/124/136 | Print mark contrast sensor DK20-9,5/110/124 |
Print mark contrast sensor DK10-LAS/76a/110/124 | Print mark contrast sensor DK21-9,5/9S50/110/124 |
Print mark contrast sensor DK34-9,5/110/124 | |
MERAPINDO CV, adalah perusahaan yang berasal dari indonesia. pengalaman menjadi distributor dan supplier yang menjual brand Pepperl Fuchs merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak brand yang kami dapat sediakan untuk pelanggan kami di indonesia.
Pepperl Fuchs merupakan spare part penting dalam dunia industri, seiring semakin berkembangnya dunia industri merupakan salah satu alasan kami medistribusikan dan menjual spare part serta alat – alat brand Pepperl Fuchs untuk kebutuhan industri yang ada di Indonesia.
Pepperl Fuchs yang kami jual adalah 100% original yang berasal dari produsen langsung, kami selalu memastikan barang yang kami jual adalah 100% kualitas dan mutu terjamin melalui tahap QC yang sempurna.
Pepperl Fuchs yang kami jual memiliki banyak tipe yang tersedia, jadi pastikan spesifikasi teknis yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri anda.
Jika anda sudah tahu tipe Pepperl Fuchs apa yang anda butuhkan?
5 Keuntungan dari pelayanan kami adalah sebagai berikut :
- 100% Barang baru dan Original
- 100% Terpercaya
- 100% Kualitas terbaik
- 100% Garansi
- Mudah dalam pembayaran dan Harga bersaing
Untuk permintaan penawaran harga dan stok Pepperl Fuchs hubungi kami dibawah ini :
Industrial Genuine Parts Specialized
Jl. Kaliurang Km 10 Perum Palm Kencana Kav 7
Nglaban, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55581 Indonesia
Telp : 0274-2834077
Handphone : 081392000636
E-mail : info@merapindo.com
E-mail : merapindo@yahoo.com
Perusahaan kami berkembang sangat pesat dan mampu memenuhi semua kebutuhan Anda khusus nya brand Pepperl Fuchs dan lainya meliputi bidang Automation System dan Electrical Components Pneumatic Hydraulic dan juga Controls System